Ita Wegman Institute for basic research into anthroposophy in Arlesheim
work and intentions

Looking back after ten years   2002-2012

by Peter Selg

This brochure documents the development of the Institute and sheds light on its field of research: the spiritual content and goals of Rudolf Steiner’s life work and of the General Anthroposophical Society founded by him. It describes the work of the Institute between 2002 and 2012, the main focus of the Institute’s research and teaching tasks, the structure of the Archives, the international association of friends of the Institute, and the 89 publications, approximately half of which are translated into foreign languages.

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Seeing Christ in Sickness and Healing

Translated from German: Krankheit und Christus-Erkenntnis. Anthroposophische Medizin als christliche Heilkunst

by Peter Selg

Floris Books, Edinburgh, UK, May 2005
Book (Paperback), 160 pages, ISBN 0-8631547-7-8

A Grand Metamorphosis

Contribution to the Spiritual-Scientific Anthropology and Education of Adolescents

by Peter Selg

Translated from German: Eine grandiose Metamorphose. Zur geisteswissenschaftlichen Anthropologie und Pädagogik des Jugendalters

SteinerBooks, USA, November 2008
Book (Paperback), 120 pages, ISBN 978-0-8801059-8-9

The Therapeutic Eye

How Rudolf Steiner Observed Children

by Peter Selg

Translated from German: Der therapeutische Blick. Rudolf Steiner sieht Kinder

SteinerBooks, USA, October 2008
Book (Paperback), 96 pages, ISBN 978-0-8801059-4-1

Karl König: My Task

Autobiography and Biographies

Edited by Peter Selg

Translated from German: Karl König: Meine zukünftige Aufgabe. Autobiographische Aufzeichnungen und lebensgeschichtliche Zeugnisse. 2008. Karl König Archive, Vol 1

Floris Books, Edinburgh, UK, September 2008
Book (Paperback), 176 pages, ISBN 978-0-8631562-8-1

Karl König’s Path into Anthroposophy

Reflections from his Diaries

by Peter Selg

Karl König Archive, Vol 2

Floris Books, Edinburgh, UK, September 2008
Book (Paperback), 104 pages, ISBN 978-0-8631562-9-8

Ita Wegman and Karl König

Letters and Documents

by Peter Selg

Translated from German: Ita Wegman und Karl König. Eine biographische Dokumentation. 2008. Karl König Archive, Vol 3

Floris Books, Edinburgh, UK, January 2009
Book (Paperback), 272 pages, ISBN 978-0-8631566-1-8

The Figure of Christ

Rudolf Steiner and the spiritual intention behind the Goetheanum’s central work of art

by Peter Selg

Translated from German: Die Gestalt Christi. Rudolf Steiner und die geistige Intention des zentralen Goetheanum-Kunstwerkes. 2009.

Temple Lodge Publishing, England, March 2009
Book (Paperback), ISBN 978-1-906999-01-8

The Child with Special Needs

Letters and Essays on Curative Education

by Peter Selg

Translated from German: Das Seelenpflege-bedürftige Kind. Vom Wesen der Heilpädagogik.

Floris Books, Edinburgh, UK, 2009
Book (Paperback), 224 pages, ISBN 978-0-863156-93-9

Rudolf Steiner and the Fifth Gospel

Insights into a New Understanding of the Christ Mystery

by Peter Selg

Translated from German: Rudolf Steiner und das Fünfte Evangelium. 2005.

SteinerBooks, USA, January 2010
Book (Paperback), 144 pages, ISBN 978-0-880107-07-5

Rudolf Steiner as a Spiritual Teacher

From Recollections of Those Who Knew Him

by Peter Selg

Translated from German: Rudolf Steiner – zur Gestalt eines geistigen Lehrers. 2007.

SteinerBooks, USA, January 2010
Book (Paperback), 104 pages, ISBN 978-0-880107-06-8

The Agriculture Course Koberwitz, Whitsun 1924

Rudolf Steiner and the beginnings of biodynamics

by  Peter Selg

Translated from German: Koberwitz. Pfingsten 1924. 2009.

Temple Lodge Publishing, England, May 2010
Book (Paperback), 193 pages, ISBN 978-1-906999-08-7


Human Pre-existence and the Journey toward Birth

by Peter Selg

Translated from German: Ungeborenheit. Die Präexistenz des Menschen und der Weg zur Geburt. 2009.

SteinerBooks, USA, June 2010
Book (Paperback), 88 pages, ISBN 978-0-88010-718-1

The Essence of Waldorf Education

by Peter Selg

Translated from German: Der geistige Kern der Waldorfschule

SteinerBooks, USA, 2010
Book (Paperback), 128 pages, ISBN 978-0-88010-646-7

The Path of the Soul after Death

The Community of the Living and the Dead as Witnessed by Rudolf Steiner in his Eulogies and Farewell Addresses

by Peter Selg

Translated from German: Rudolf Steiners Toten-Gedenken.

SteinerBooks, USA, 2010
Book (Paperback), 228 pages, ISBN 978-0-88010-724-2

Rudolf Steiner’s Intentions for the Anthroposophical Society

The Executive Council, the School for Spiritual Science, and the Sections

by Peter Selg

Translated from German: Der Vorstand, die Sektionen und die Gesellschaft. Welche Hochschule wollte Rudolf Steiner?

SteinerBooks, USA, 2011
Book (Paperback), 96 pages, ISBN 978-0-88010-738-9

Rudolf Steiner and the Fundamental Social Law

The Work of the Individual and the Spirit of Community

by Peter Selg

Translated from German: Die Arbeit des Einzelnen und der Geist der Gemeinschaft. Rudolf Steiner und das «Soziale Hauptgesetz».

SteinerBooks, USA, 2012
Book (Paperback), 136 pages, ISBN 978-0-88010-654-2

I am Different from You

How Children Experience Themselves and the World in the Middle of Childhood

by Peter Selg

Translated from German: «Ich bin anders als Du». Vom Selbst und Welterleben des Kindes in der Mitte der Kindheit.

SteinerBooks, USA, 2012
Book (Paperback), 120 pages, ISBN 978-0-88010-658-0

Christ and the Disciples

The Destiny of an Inner Community

by Peter Selg

Translated from German: Christus und die Jünger. Vom Schicksal der inneren Gemeinschaft.

SteinerBooks, USA, 2012
Book (Paperback), 160 pages, ISBN 978-0-88010-745-7

Rudolf Steiner and Christian Rosenkreutz

by Peter Selg

Translated from German: Rudolf Steiner und Christian Rosenkreutz

SteinerBooks, USA, 2012
Book (Paperback), 172 pages, ISBN 978-0-88010-660-3

The Mystery of the Heart

Studies in Spiritual Physiology: Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas, Rudolf Steiner

by Peter Selg

Translated from German: Mysterium cordis

SteinerBooks, USA, 2012
Book (Paperback), 250 pages, ISBN 978-0-88010-751-8

Kaspar Hauser and Karl König

Edited by Richard Steel and Peter Selg

Translated from German: Kaspar Hauser – Das Kind Europas. Stuttgart 2012.

Floris Books, Edinburgh, UK, June 2012
Book (Paperback), 168 pages, ISBN 9780863158797

Rudolf Steiner and the School for Spiritual Science

The Foundation of the “First Class”

by Peter Selg

Translated from German: Rudolf Steiner und die Freie Hochschule für Geisteswissenschaft. Die Begründung der Ersten Klasse

SteinerBooks, USA, 2012
Book (Paperback), 160 pages, ISBN 978-1-62148-018-1

I am for going ahead

Ita Wegman’s Work for the Social Ideals of Anthroposophy

by Peter Selg

Translated from German: „Ich bin für Fortschreiten“. Ita Wegman und die Medizinische Sektion

SteinerBooks, USA, 2012
Book (Paperback), 172 pages, ISBN 978-1-62148-002-0

The Culture of Selflessness

Rudolf Steiner, The Fifth Gospel, and the Time of Extremes

by Peter Selg

Translated from German: Die Kultur der Selbstlosigkeit. Rudolf Steiner, das Fünfte Evangelium und das Zeitalter der Extreme

SteinerBooks, USA, 2012
Book (Paperback), 104 pages, ISBN 978-1-62148-011-2

Rudolf Steiner’s Foundation Stone Meditation and the Destruction of the Twentieth Century

by Peter Selg

Translated from German: Die Grundstein-Meditation Rudolf Steiners und die Zerstörungen des 20. Jahrhunderts. Arlesheim 2011.

Temple Lodge Publishing, England, 2012
Book (Paperback), 88 pages, ISBN 978-1-906999-41-4

From Gurs to Auschwitz

The Inner Journey of Maria Krehbiel-Darmstädter

by Peter Selg

Translated from German: Maria Krehbiel-Darmstädter. Von Gurs nach Auschwitz: Der innere Weg. Arlesheim 2010.

SteinerBooks, USA, 2013
Book (Paperback), 376 pages, ISBN: 978-1-62148-042-6

The Last Three Years

Ita Wegman in Ascona, 1940–1943

by Peter Selg

Translated from German: Die letzten drei Jahre. Ita Wegman in Ascona 1940–1943. Dornach 2004.

SteinerBooks, USA, 2014
Book (Paperback), 182 pages, ISBN 978-1-62148-051-8

Spiritual Resistance

Ita Wegman, 1933–1935

by Peter Selg

Translated from German: Geistiger Widerstand und Überwindung. Ita Wegman 1933–1935. Dornach 2005.

SteinerBooks, USA, 2014
Book (Paperback), 290 pages, ISBN 978-1-62148-065-5

The Lord’s Prayer and Rudolf Steiner

A study of his insights into the archetypal prayer of Christianity

by Peter Selg

Translated from German: Das Vaterunser in der Darstellung Rudolf Steiners. Stuttgart 2009.

Floris Books, Edinburgh, UK, 2014
Book (Paperback), 128 pages, ISBN 978-1-78250-051-3

The Destiny of the Michael Community

Foundation Stone for the Future

by Peter Selg

Translated from German: Grundstein zur Zukunft. Vom Schicksal der Michael-Gemeinschaft. Stuttgart 2009.

SteinerBooks, USA, 2014
Book (Paperback), 102 pages, ISBN 978-1-62148-068-6

Rudolf Steiner

Life and Work. Volume 1 (1861–1890)
Childhood, Youth, and Study Years

by Peter Selg

Translated from German: Rudolf Steiner 1861–1925. Lebens- und Werkgeschichte. Arlesheim 2012.

SteinerBooks, USA, 2014
Book (Paperback/Hardcover), 320 pages, Paperback: 978-1-62148-082-2 | Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-62148-083-9

Rudolf Steiner

Life and Work. Volume 2 (1890–1900)
Weimar and Berlin

by Peter Selg

Translated from German: Rudolf Steiner 1861–1925. Lebens- und Werkgeschichte. Arlesheim 2012.

SteinerBooks, USA, December 2014
Book (Paperback/Hardcover), 325 pages, Paperback: 978-1-62148-085-3 | Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-62148-086-0

The Creative Power of Anthroposophical Christology

An Outline of Occult Science – The first Goetheanum – The Fifth Gospel – The Christmas Conference

by Peter Selg / Sergei (Sergej) O. Prokofieff

Translated from German: Sergej O. Prokofieff / Peter Selg: Die Wiederkunft des Christus im Ätherischen, zum fünften Evangelium. Arlesheim 2009, Das erste Goetheanum und seine christologischen Grundlagen. Arlesheim 2009, Die Christologie des Buches „Die Geheimwissenschaft im Umriss.“ Arlesheim 2010, Die Weihnachtstagung und die Begründung der neuen Mysterien. Arlesheim 2011.

SteinerBooks, USA, 2012
Book (Paperback), 336 pages, ISBN 978-0-88010-733-4

Honoring Life: Medical Ethics and Physician-Assisted Suicide

A Consideration from an Anthroposophical Point of View

by Peter Selg / Sergei (Sergej) O. Prokofieff

Translated from German: Das Leben Schuetzen. Aerztliche Ethik und Suizidhilfe. Eine Betrachtung aus anthroposophischer Sicht. Dornach 2010.

SteinerBooks, USA, 2014
Book (Paperback), 86 pages, ISBN 978-1-62148-053-2

Crisis in the Anthroposophical Society and Pathways to the Future

by Peter Selg / Sergei (Sergej) O. Prokofieff

Translated from German: Peter Selg: Die Identität der Allgemeinen Anthroposophischen Gesellschaft. Arlesheim 2012 / Sergej O. Prokofieff: Wie stehen wir heute vor Rudolf Steiner? Arlesheim 2012.

Temple Lodge Publishing, England, 2013
Book (Paperback), 136 pages, ISBN 978-1-906999-43-8

And the Earth Becomes a Sun

The Mystery of the Resurrection

by Sergei (Sergej) O. Prokofieff

Translated from German: Und die Erde wird zur Sonne. Zum Mysterium der Auferstehung. Arlesheim 2012.

Wynstones Press, Stourbridge, UK, 2014
Book (Hardcover), 576 pages, ISBN 9780 946206 773